Change of Plans

Hey there! It’s been quite some time since I last wrote here. I'm still paying $11 every month to Ghost for keeping this blog up, even though I haven’t been around much. Today, I want to change that and really make the most out of this blog.

I’ve been waiting for the right time to write again. I did write a few articles about programming and shared some updates about my life. At first, I thought I’d mainly write about iOS development, you know, stuff related to my day job. But now, I’ve decided to shake things up.

Things are going to be different from now on.

I’m turning this blog into my own little corner of the internet. A place where I can talk about anything I’m interested in or excited about. It could be about a new hobby, some cool experience, or just things I’m thinking about. This blog is going to be about all of that.

Stay tuned!